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Einheitenumrechnung für Naphtha (Europäischer) Preis HeuteUmrechnung: 1 Tonne = 1.000 Kg. (Preis pro 1 Kg.)


Prezzi alla produzione su del 40%

La rilevazione Istat di agosto fotografa le difficoltà del manifatturiero,…

European PP, PE markets brace for steep falls again as ‘perfect storm’ brews

European players are bracing themselves for another round of 3-digit drops in…

European PP, PE players brace for another round of 3-digit drops in July

In Europe, participants expect to see another round of sizeable drops in July…

Polymer markets face one of most chaotic times by Merve Sezgün

Global polymer markets have been grappling with a dearth of supply since early Q4.…

PVC rally roars back in Asia as supply worries mount by Merve Sezgün

Import PVC prices in India, China, and SE Asia witnessed relentless hikes from…

Asian PS, ABS markets shoot up on production upsets, soaring styrene by Manolya Tufan

PS and ABS markets in China and Southeast Asia made a strong start to the…