African PP, PE markets soar to record highs in March by Başak Ceylan

African PP and PE markets continued to rise in March as the recent production…

China’s import PP upturn persists despite buying resistance by Merve Sezgün

Import PP prices in China have extended their gains into the third week after…

Welcome to Our New Website

Following some exciting months of working on content and design, we are…

Plastics tax, Patuanelli favorevole al rinvio

Secondo il ministro delle Politiche agricole non sono state messe in campo…

Il sacchetto di plastica batte tutti

L’associazione dei consumatori belga Test-Achats ha condotto uno studio…

Logistics snarls propel import PP, PE offers higher in Europe

by Manolya Tufan – In Europe, players returned to a…